MMR Rapid Acting Mold Stain Remover
MMR Stain remover is Fast Mold Removals bestselling product. It is a good quality product that works fast and is very easy spray to use. Most people would say to use bleach to kill the mold. What people don’t realize is that bleach is not as effective as MMR Mold Stain Remover.
Bleach cannot be used on wood or dry wall and it doesn’t get enough penetration on the surface.
Surfaces for Mold Disinfectant:
– Wood
– Drywall
MMR Mold Stain Remover makes it so you don’t have to do all the hard work like sanding, scrubbing, and blasting away the mold stains. It is quickly becoming the mold removal of choice in the remediation industry.
Our product will work so well that it will decrease the labor hours of any contractor that uses MMR Mold Stain Remover. Which will then increase your ability to work and take on more bids for clients. MMR Mold Stain Removal is a win-win for the contractor and the building owner.
We guarantee that you will be satisfied with our product after use. It’s a very fast and efficient way to remove mold. If used correctly the MMR Stain remover will clean the surface and leave little to no trace of the mold behind.
MMR is a very penetrative to the wood or surface it is applied to. It will destroy the fungal elements that’s are growing on your surfaces. MMR Mold Stain Remover also can kill the subsurface mycelium.
Make sure when using MMR Stain Removal to take precautions because it’s highly toxic and without the proper equipment you can hurt yourself. If you ever come into contact with MMR Mold Stain Remover we highly recommend that you call for medical help. Fast Mold Removal sells all the proper equipment if needed.
MMR Mold Stain Remover for:
– Mold
– Mildew stains