While www.fastmoldremoval.com sells mold remediation products and personal protective equipment directly to end users, we also offer professional mold remediation services in the Greater Chicago (www.moldchicago.com) and St Louis (www.moldstlouis.com) markets. 

Oftentimes, we are asked to take air tests and surface samples to determine the presence, frequency and type of mold that might be present in residential, municipal and/or commercial locations.

The general public often tends to label mold as either black or toxic.  However there are many more types of molds – all with their own particular names and charcteristics.  We often run into a mold known as Cladosporium.

Cladosporium is a common mold found both indoors and outdoors.  There are numerous species of Cladosporium and many produce fungal colonies that appear as olive, brown or black in color.  In indoor environments, Cladosporium is often found on wet surfaces.  According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), “The most common indoor molds are Cladosporium, Penicillium, Aspergillus, and Alternaria.” 

 Naturally occurring Cladosporium spores in the outdoor environment are present year round in many areas and are known to be a common source of allergens and may trigger asthma attacks.  They are also a concern for people suffering from respiratory diseases.

 Cladosporium has been recognized as a human pathogen, although infections are not very common.  The most common infections caused by Cladosporium are skin and toenail infections.  It can also cause sinus and lung infections and corneal ulcers.

 Cladosporium infections can occur in anyone, but infections are more typical in people with a weakened immune system.  People in this category should avoid working and living in an indoor environment that has high levels of Cladosporium or other types of mold.

 The CDC recommends the following prevention steps that can be taken to help reduce exposure for people with weakened immune systems or severe lung diseases.

  • Wear an N95 mask when near or in a dusty environment such as construction sites.
  • Avoid activities that involve close contact to soil or dust, such as yard work or gardening.
  • Use air quality improvement measures such as HEPA filters .
  • Take prophylactic antifungal medication if deemed necessary by your healthcare provider.
  • Clean skin injuries well with soap and water, especially if the injury has been exposed to soil or dust.

To learn more about Cladosporium and other fungal pathogens, or other health and safety, environmental or indoor air quality issues, consider the following online resources:


